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Announcements, information, and discussion about all things Kodi
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Announcements about Kodi from the development team.
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Need help with Kodi? Try searching the wiki and searching the forum before asking here!
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How-to guides, tips and tricks for Kodi.
Post in the correct forum. Be sure to read the sticky topics for rules and explanation of which files to include!
- Context Menus
- Decoders/Encoders
- Dependencies
- Game Add-ons
- Information Providers (scrapers)
- Look and feel
- Lyrics Add-ons
- Music Add-ons
- Picture Add-ons
- Program Add-ons
- Service Add-ons
- Subtitle Add-ons
- Video Add-ons
- VideoPlayer InputStream
- Virtual filesystems
- Weather Add-ons
- Web Interfaces
- Third Party Repositories
Discuss any questions regarding gaming and retroplayer usage inside Kodi
Discuss any questions regarding music usage inside Kodi
Discuss any questions regarding photo and picture feature of Kodi
Discuss any questions regarding video usage inside Kodi
For all support questions related to using Kodi as a frontend to third party PVR backends.
Meta-Data, Posters, logo and backdrop pack requests, suggestions and discussion.
Helper apps, remote control apps, media managers, web interfaces and similar tools for Kodi (3rd party).
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Discuss freely about Kodi related subjects. No support questions!
Post all your suggestions/requests/ideas for Kodi core features and functions here.
Talk about Home Theater PCs and other hardware platforms for Kodi.
Drop your pants and show us what you got! Post pictures and descriptions of your Kodi home cinema setup here.
Post in here if you spot any issues or problems with the forum, wiki, or website.
Wiki related talk, suggestion, discussions and account requests
Where serious off-topic stuff is moved to. Members cannot start new threads here, but can post in existing open threads.
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Let the creativity flow - for developers only!
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Internal team member feature discussion section. With the goal of increasing transparency, Team Kodi invites users to view this section, but posting is reserved strictly for team members.
Development discussion of Kodi core.
Development discussion of python and binary add-ons, for scripters/coders only.
GUI skin development and xml coding, for skinners only.
Development discussion of metadata scrapers, for scraper programmers only.
Forum for discussing translations of Kodi language files.
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Old, archived information and garbage.
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Archived First-generation XBOX support section
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Board Statistics
Please welcome our newest member, barranto
- 3011703 Total posts
- 298459 Total Threads
- 412801 Members
- 165874 Most Online

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