Is there a way I can delete / withdraw these posts and close this account? I've just been on edge lately and the end result isn't anything I'm proud of. I'd just like pretend this whole day never happened. I'm sorry.
P.S. Sorry for all the edits, not easy typing when the text is the same color as the field I'm typing it in.

I'd just like to point out that in Finland it's legal to make personal copies of books, movies and music, but not software (which includes games).
(2014-09-22, 23:20)negge Wrote: [ -> ]I'd just like to point out that in Finland it's legal to make personal copies of books, movies and music, but not software (which includes games).
From what I understand, the very concept of fair use is actually much more limited in most non-US countries.
Piracy?? who came up with the name piracy -yes a cartoonish hollywod law against freedom- but yes I can understand why not to link to so and so stuff as this time of procecution (Sorry about my English if spelling something wrong but it is not my native Language) I on the other hand Like the History of Pirates but that is another conversation entirely though

,Anyhow to be copying stuff or sharring stuff is in everyones right as everyone in my opinion do deserve entertainment and I for once do not like the Caroonish laws of a Hollywood made companies or the bribes they bring to the judges or treats they bring on is Maffia (Illuminati) the hell on earth and who in their right mind would follow a cartoonish law anyhow......but I do understand why Kodi forum wish to not have links to so and so stuff in this days......but in all honesty I hope more and more will stand up against this Cartoonish rule of lies created by the World Order......Yes I am a revolutionistic person but I always stood up against the bad corruptions as it is the right thing to do in my mind......But I will never post anything that would go against this forums rules as it is your forum and I do understand though the fright in this days of Cartoonish masters but one day this world will be a more free place as it should be as Links is really only links and as and it is fredom of speach and our rights as human beings but as I said this forum is your rule and we read your word put out and either follow it or stay away -simple as that- no matter that we might wish differently as this topic is a strong topic for many people as it deal with Freedom of all human beings really....sorry for the long post and Hi by the way....Just signed up here on the forum tonight

Because I love Kodi and Use it Every Night and Morning more or less

....The Best Media Center in my opinion out there

and Thank You for a Great Experience......
In Regards
Or sentences?
....... is not part of English.
Calm down, guys. He did say that english isn't his first language.
DJ_Izumi -Nope because it could not be said enough in my world

nickr -Well as said I'm not native English.....
Ned Scott -Thank you.
And to all again Hi

isnt it against policy for people to openly be selling kodi builds? and if so there is alot going on on facebook,people being charged for so called custom builds of Kodi!
wasnt sure where to post,but just wanted to give guys at Kodi a heads up about this,thanks.
Concerning posts relating to banned add-ons, would it be possible to semi-automate the "watch" for them?
My thinking being that if a post is made containing certain keywords or known banned addons or repo names (e.g. Genesis, Navi-X, Super Repo etc) that on pushing OK it pops up a warning that the post contains references to banned subjects (along with maybe a link to the wiki page on the subject), with options to either proceed with the post or to go back and re-edit it (or to cancel it maybe). If OK is pressed then maybe have a notification sent to moderators to check the post.
I know it wouldn't stop people determined to post (who may post "Navi X" or "N a v i - X" for somesuch), but it could help with people who've bought boxes of crapware off eBay or Amazon and then come crawling here when they break.
It could perhaps assist with some of the volume of bannable threads/posts that get made here, although I'm thinking of it in addition to how the forum currently operates rather than as a replacement for the fine policing work that our esteemed hammer-wielders go.
(2015-06-26, 15:51)blueeyiz702 Wrote: [ -> ]isnt it against policy for people to openly be selling kodi builds? and if so there is alot going on on facebook,people being charged for so called custom builds of Kodi!
wasnt sure where to post,but just wanted to give guys at Kodi a heads up about this,thanks.
Selling Kodi isn't illegal. However, customizing it and calling it "Kodi" (especially if they're loading it with pirate streaming add-ons) is a violation of our Kodi trademark. People either have to rename it or they can only sell Kodi un-modified.
What is the Kodi community stance on an addon that links to software/media hosted on the
Internet Archive?
Reason I ask is I'm developing an addon which links to archives such as
The Internet Arcade or
TOSEC. I'd like to share it / post it in the Kodi forums but want to understand where this falls officially.
As far as we know, Internet archive is entirely public domain content, so making those addons should be fine.
Linking to the Internet Archive is similar to having a YouTube add-on. It is possible to have infringing material on either site, but piracy is not the explicit purpose of either site.
Thanks to both of you, makes sense :-)