I tested it on a Mac (10.6) and XBMC 10.1
Seems that it works well, the script updates both rating and votes but found a couple of issues:
a) I have a couple of profiles, each one with its own sources and media info (different databases)
No matter in what profile I am logged on, the script runs over the standard (master) database, not over the logged on profile database.
It would be nice to pick the right database depending on the profile.
b) It does not have any impact to the top250 field. I am not sure if this is part of the scope of the script or no.
c) I had to run several times the script to update my whole collection, it stopped from time to time.
Thanks for sharing your work with other xbmc users.
Could some nice pythoncoder develop this into a fully working app? This idea is great.
I tried it on my Apple-tv and got the same error regarding Ascii-encoding, so I decided to take a look at the source-code to see if I could fix it.
Change line 114 from
xbmc.executebuiltin('xbmc.Notification(IMDB Ratings,'+title[j]+')')
xbmc.executebuiltin('xbmc.Notification(IMDB Ratings,'+title[j].encode("ascii", "ignore")+')')
I also have some movies in my database with no IMDB-id and it causes the script to put the ratings in the wrong movies.
Change line 122 from
print d_notify + title[j].encode("ascii", "ignore") + " doesnt have an IMDB id, skipping"
j = j + 1
Cosmicr, this is the script I was waiting for years... any news regarding the windows version?
Thanks a lot for taking the time to develop this tool for us.
This is the error im getting.. any ideas??
18:59:10 T:2792 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
18:59:10 T:2792 ERROR: C:\Users\Beau\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.imdbratings\ DeprecationWarning: os.getcwd() currently lies to you so please use addon.getAddonInfo('path') to find the script's root directory and DO NOT make relative path accesses based on the results of 'os.getcwd.'
Addon = xbmcaddon.Addon(id=os.path.basename(os.getcwd()))
18:59:10 T:2792 ERROR: C:\Users\Beau\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.imdbratings\ DeprecationWarning: os.getcwd() currently lies to you so please use addon.getAddonInfo('path') to find the script's root directory and DO NOT make relative path accesses based on the results of 'os.getcwd.'
script_path = os.getcwd()
18:59:10 T:2792 NOTICE: IMDB Rating Script: Database backed up to C:\Users\Beau\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.imdbratings\../../userdata/Database/MyVideos34.db.bak.20120101-1859
18:59:10 T:2792 NOTICE: IMDB Rating Script: So far so good!
18:59:10 T:2792 NOTICE: IMDB Rating Script: Getting ratings for all movies in library...
18:59:10 T:2792 NOTICE: IMDB Rating Script: 129 Movies to update
18:59:10 T:2792 NOTICE: IMDB Rating Script: Opening
18:59:10 T:2792 ERROR: Error Type: <type 'exceptions.IndexError'>
18:59:10 T:2792 ERROR: Error Contents: list index out of range
18:59:10 T:2792 ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Beau\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.imdbratings\", line 112, in <module>
string = d_notify + title[j] + "(" + str(lid[j]) + ")" + " rating: " + str(rating[0]) + "/10"
IndexError: list index out of range
Evergreen4 Wrote:Cosmicr, this is the script I was waiting for years... any news regarding the windows version?
Thanks a lot for taking the time to develop this tool for us.
there is one already.
The megaupload links are dead, could you please re-upload somewhere else?
Thanks for making this, I just wish I could use it!

could anyone please upload the script on an other filehoster ? Thanks
Hey all, I've re-uploaded the files to a new host, and also included a new version fixing some of the things that have been pointed out. Check out the first post.
Hey All, another update.
I've added MySQL support for those with shared databases. Be warned I couldn't work out a decent way to backup the mysql database first, so be sure you have your own backup.
I've uploaded the
code to github, as an experiment since I've never used VCS's before.
It should work on all systems now too.
If you want anything added let me know and I'll see what I can do.
does not work for me with portable installation
the script does not work for me too. I become a script error and then the message the movie update will take a long time and after 5 seconds the screen close.
Here is a debug log from me.
I use XBMC 10.1
Could this be extended for updating movies with set information from themoviedb? That would be neat!
robwiel & @Eisi2005:
Sorry, the latest update makes it incompatible with Dharma. Eden only from now on. The changes are minimal, so you may be able to edit the source to make it work. Mostly just the path related functions.
I haven't worked with movie sets before, but this feature could be for another addon. I'll look into it.
thx for the answer. I hope Eden final will released in the next weeks, so i could wait and use your script then.