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Win Yatse 2 : Open Source Media Center Remote Control App for Touch Screen - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Win Yatse 2 : Open Source Media Center Remote Control App for Touch Screen (/showthread.php?tid=68936)

RE: Yatse 2 : Open Source Media Center Remote Control App for Touch Screen - rickyman - 2016-01-06

what is the min requirement for this software to control kodi?

RE: Yatse 2 : Open Source Media Center Remote Control App for Touch Screen - MKANET - 2016-01-06

Since nobody responded.. I thought I will. You need a Windows PC with a touchscreen monitor. Usually, it's a 7" touchscreen built right into the PC case itself. Or, it could be something like a Surface Pro 4. It can connect via network to the PC running Kodi.

Thanks to Glenn; who took this software from a nearly useless state, to working and looking great. There really is no replacement for this, as far as I know.

(2016-01-06, 01:17)rickyman Wrote: what is the min requirement for this software to control kodi?

RE: Yatse 2 : Open Source Media Center Remote Control App for Touch Screen - rickyman - 2016-01-06

will this work?


RE: Yatse 2 : Open Source Media Center Remote Control App for Touch Screen - MKANET - 2016-01-06

@rickyman, that looks like it would be ideal... I had no idea I could buy a full blown new Windows 10 tablet for so cheap. I think it's a lot better deal than the Android equivalent.. I think I'm going to buy one too!!

EDIT: I just ordered one now to replace my Android tablet. I don't know how anyone could resist at that price!
PS: I also just ordered a keyboard for it:

RE: Yatse 2 : Open Source Media Center Remote Control App for Touch Screen - GlennNZ - 2016-01-31

New Version:
Yatse 3 Socket - 3.2 Beta Build 100

- Full Emby Support and Partial Plex Support
- Updated to latest .net 4.5.1 Runtimes
- Updated dependencies Sqllib to above
- Few bug squashes.

This new version brings major Emby support/changes - everything possible working I believe.

First off - need to install a Emby Server Plugin (should be in Emby Catalog soon - its called Yatse!)

But until then move the dll file (MediaBrowser.Plugin.Yatse.dll - which is in Yatse install directory) to your emby server - located at %appdata%\Emby-Server\plugins

Will not work without this.

Why is it needed? Well it allows you to choose which Playback Client Device - Yatse is going to connect to, monitor and remote control.
No more usernames etc same needed.
It also provides a new Api endpoint for the Emby server - such that less data is needed to be sent.
If you not running Yatse - the plugin is completely inactive.

Go to Emby Server - Management
Plugins - click Yatse Api Endpoints - Settings
Select the device you wish Yatse3 to control
Press Save.

Setup new Remote within Yatse3
Any User fine - whatever Emby user makes sense (including Connect only Users)

Now supports:
NowPlaying etc. Information for Tv/Movies/Trailers
Full remote control function (NB only if Emby playback client supports remote control - the new emby theatre does not currently)
Full Yatse local database support - for tv/movies/albums/artists etc.
(will query Emby server and download all this data if Yatse is set to update library - which can take a bit of time depending on database size)


Will post this in forum as well - although probably need another forum/Emby side and probably a name change - given Yatse(android remote) often causes confusion.
Any name thoughts?


RE: Yatse 2 : Open Source Media Center Remote Control App for Touch Screen - Tolriq - 2016-01-31

Hi Glenn,

I'm sorry but you can not use the name Yatse to publish anything.
Same for Yatse 3, as long as you were pushing update to the original application this was not really a problem, but now that you start to move to something else you'll need to find your own name before publish and advertise about your work.

RE: Yatse 2 : Open Source Media Center Remote Control App for Touch Screen - GlennNZ - 2016-01-31

I agree - will sort out name and change thread

RE: Yatse 2 : Open Source Media Center Remote Control App for Touch Screen - Tolriq - 2016-01-31

Thanks, and thanks again for continuing this old project Smile My C# learning project, hope you did not cry too much reading code Wink

RE: Yatse 2 : Open Source Media Center Remote Control App for Touch Screen - GlennNZ - 2016-02-07

Thanks, I think this has been my C# learning project as well! Suspect I have more learning required than you though!

Anyhow - have started a new Thread/With a name change - hopefully pointing out its usage.



RE: Yatse 2 : Open Source Media Center Remote Control App for Touch Screen - dforce - 2016-06-20

(2010-02-07, 19:13)Tolriq Wrote: Actually the software can be used on a multitouch screen, but i don't really see wich of the allready implemented function can profit of multitouch actions.


Could be very handy for zooming in and out on images.
Or to pan around on a zoomed image by holding down 2 fingers.

RE: Yatse 2 : Open Source Media Center Remote Control App for Touch Screen - charliekay74 - 2016-09-22

i only get standard background instead of fanart of music track. the cd art is there. and it doesnt show anything when im browsing in kodi through my movies.could there be a connection error? does the yatse2service for kodi work in kodi version 17? i Maybe we could integrate RSS ticker...

UPDATE: now i see the new version FRONTVIEW. will check that

RE: Yatse 2 : Open Source Media Center Remote Control App for Touch Screen - JumboMumbo - 2016-11-18

Christmas is approaching: donation time again :-)

Tolriq, would it be possible to:
1. Divide hosts in 'masters' and 'slaves' (or whatever you'd like to call it);
2. Have the slaves *behave* like exact copies of the master when it comes to library content. I mean some sort of symlinking?

A. I have multiple HTPC's;
B. I have 'quite' some movies (Big Grin).
C. The central MySQL database is on my Synology.
D. I control Kodi from my smartphone.
E. Downloading all fanart, thumbs, etc for all my HTPC's actually is redundant and sucks up my hard drive space in my smartphone.

HTPC3 could simply use the fanart etc from whatever is stored for HTPC1 in Yatse. No need for 7x the same thumb, for all 7 HTPC's.

Thank you Big Grin

RE: Yatse 2 : Open Source Media Center Remote Control App for Touch Screen - tinybutstrong - 2016-11-29

There is any chance to dev add support to send arbitrary* urls to be handled by Youtube-dl? For now I use the excellent Pushbullet service. Currently, Yastse is limited to Youtube media only, since Youtube-dl support almost any/most popular media service/format, would be really a good plus to yatse.

ps: I'm not dev, then don't know if that would be even possible, I'm just asking :>

Thank you!

RE: Yatse 2 : Open Source Media Center Remote Control App for Touch Screen - jorch2 - 2017-03-04

I am a new user. I have the htap box thermaltake DH 202 Touch. I would like to use the FrontView + utility. I installed it. But I can not communicate Kodi with this utility. I'm missing an add-on called frontview kodi integration. Where could I download it?
And thanks for making such an interesting utility