[LIVE] HOW-TO Install Nightly Build
First of all i have to thank Boykster for the Script & guide and all credit goes to X3lectric!!

This guide is been updated (12.08.2011)

I made this guide for people like me who has low knowledge of Linux

What do u need? XBMC-Live fresh installation!!

1. I done those steps in Admin mode. For that u need to do
[b]sudo su[/b]

2. U need last Python version. For that u need to update
[b]apt-get update && apt-get upgrade[/b]

3. Now add Nightly Build Repository.
[b]add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/unstable[/b]

4. Update your XBMC again to confirm Nightly Build Repository
[b]apt-get update[/b]

5. Install Nightly Build
[b]apt-get install xbmc[/b]

6. Now u have a problem to autostart your XBMC. For that u need to open
[b]nano /etc/init/xbmc.conf[/b]

7. Add this line script in /etc/init/xbmc.conf
[b]# xbmc-standalone
description "Autostart XBMC"

start on (filesystem and stopped udevtrigger)
stop on runlevel [06]

console output
emits starting-x

exec /bin/su xbmc -c "/usr/bin/startx /etc/X11/Xsession /usr/bin/xbmc-standalone"[/b]

Note!! Don't forget to save /etc/init/xbmc.conf!!

8. Reboot Your XBMC

Enjoy your XBMC-Live Nightly build Smile

Drivers for Asrock HTPC IR drivers follow X3lectric Guide!! http://forum.xbmc.org/showpost.php?p=658...tcount=384

Good luck!!
Skins: Arctic & 1080XF
Firstly thx for the credits and trying to post a how-to,

How-tos should not just have detailed steps of commands to run but detail clearly all information that is relevant to a wider variety of users, such information has already been covered on my post

for e.g you don't explain how to refresh or update the build, that is absolutely a must that's just for starters.

However this is NOT compiling XBMC-live the script, instructions only compile XBMC.bin and system files like skin, addons etc.

Also script or how-to where this is taken from compiles and upgrades the xbmc.bin and system files, this is all covered in detail on the post.

xbmc-Live xbmc-data xbmc-standalone xbmc-skin-confluence and many more packages ARE needed for a full XBMC-live nightly. like this post http://forum.xbmc.org/showpost.php?p=757...count=1895

This is covered On my post as well.... under UPDATE # sections and another post I made here http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=96300

Please read and refer to http://forum.xbmc.org/showpost.php?p=684015&postcount=1

that post has all the answers and no other post or how-to is needed IMO.

I have marked the post with sections that are VERY IMPORTANT as follows...

*Update # (where # corresponds to a differnt number)

these are special and add instructions and further information for all users...

Please continue writing HOw-tos but please dont detract the value of the information contained and needed for clarity. thus eliminating the idiot factor, which plagues 99% of users who are not only inexperienced but also dim by nature...

finally I would like to congratulate you, at least you made an effort, and I hope your efforts will continue to manifest themselves in other posts, with added wisdom and carefully planned information.

your bud x3

P.S dont PM me with support requests
X3lectric Wrote:Firstly thx for the credits and trying to post a how-to,

How-tos should not just have detailed steps of commands to run but detail clearly all information that is relevant to a wider variety of users, such information has already been covered on my post

for e.g you don't explain how to refresh or update the build, that is absolutely a must that's just for starters.

However this is NOT compiling XBMC-live the script, instructions only compile XBMC.bin and system files like skin, addons etc.

Also script or how-to where this is taken from compiles and upgrades the xbmc.bin and system files, this is all covered in detail on the post.

xbmc-Live xbmc-data xbmc-standalone xbmc-skin-confluence and many more packages ARE needed for a full XBMC-live nightly. like this post http://forum.xbmc.org/showpost.php?p=757...count=1895

This is covered On my post as well.... under UPDATE # sections and another post I made here http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=96300

Please read and refer to http://forum.xbmc.org/showpost.php?p=684015&postcount=1

that post has all the answers and no other post or how-to is needed IMO.

I have marked the post with sections that are VERY IMPORTANT as follows...

*Update # (where # corresponds to a differnt number)

these are special and add instructions and further information for all users...

Please continue writing HOw-tos but please dont detract the value of the information contained and needed for clarity. thus eliminating the idiot factor, which plagues 99% of users who are not only inexperienced but also dim by nature...

finally I would like to congratulate you, at least you made an effort, and I hope your efforts will continue to manifest themselves in other posts, with added wisdom and carefully planned information.

your bud x3

P.S dont PM me with support requests

Hello Mate,

I am sorry for this but u are right about it and i will try the best next time!

PS i wont pm u hehe

Ur friend
Skins: Arctic & 1080XF
No need to apologize, there is a learning curve in all things we do. the best advice I can give is don't cut corners but keep it simple and stupid (kiss)

Also Im grateful that you take my comments as constructive and not as me being an ass, which most people have a difficult time differentiating.

I read a lot of posts here in forums and everywhere else, this is why I know you are a positive part of the community, keep it up.

BTW you can edit your post and improve it, if you found things on my posts or other posts complicated make them simpler without removing the important info...

e.g. look at this post on my blog http://x3webworx.wordpress.com/2011/03/0...nd-beyond/

I keep editing and adding relevant info and in many cases simplifying the information provided so its clearer. for e.g today I edited the part shown in code brackets because there's a bug on the theme or wordpress who eats up hyphens.

See ya around.
X3lectric Wrote:No need to apologize, there is a learning curve in all things we do. the best advice I can give is don't cut corners but keep it simple and stupid (kiss)

Also Im grateful that you take my comments as constructive and not as me being an ass, which most people have a difficult time differentiating.

I read a lot of posts here in forums and everywhere else, this is why I know you are a positive part of the community, keep it up.

BTW you can edit your post and improve it, if you found things on my posts or other posts complicated make them simpler without removing the important info...

e.g. look at this post on my blog http://x3webworx.wordpress.com/2011/03/0...nd-beyond/

I keep editing and adding relevant info and in many cases simplifying the information provided so its clearer. for e.g today I edited the part shown in code brackets because there's a bug on the theme or wordpress who eats up hyphens.

See ya around.

Hello X3lectric,

U should know i am someone which loves criticism and i take it very seriously. I am really happy that u are so honest to my improvement. I Thank u for that Big Grin.

I will edit this guide and make the best of it Smile

WordPress nice Tool but sometimes not hehe. I will bookmark ur WordPress .

Cheers mate.
Skins: Arctic & 1080XF
I've been trying to get access to the nightly builds for a while now and have always had problems at this point:

Quote:6. Now u have a problem to autostart your XBMC. For that u need to open
[b]nano /etc/init/xbmc.conf[/b]

Quote:7. Add this line script in /etc/init/xbmc.conf
[b]# xbmc-standalone
description "Autostart XBMC"

start on (filesystem and stopped udevtrigger)
stop on runlevel [06]

console output
emits starting-x

exec /bin/su xbmc -c "/usr/bin/startx /etc/X11/Xsession /usr/bin/xbmc-standalone"[/b]

Tonight though I think I've finally found an easy solution. I've installed rcconf

Quote:sudo apt-get install rcconf
sudo rcconf

And put a star in the box for xbmc-live. My nightly build now autostarts.

Thought I would reply to this just in case I'm not the only one experiencing this issue.

XBMC Eden will use lightdm, so this is slightly better...

install XBMC:

add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/unstable
apt-get update
apt-get install xbmc lightdm

Edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf


Edit /usr/share/xsessions/XBMC.desktop

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=This session will start XBMC Media Center
erhnam Wrote:XBMC Eden will use lightdm, so this is slightly better...

install XBMC:

add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/unstable
apt-get update
apt-get install xbmc lightdm

Edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf


Edit /usr/share/xsessions/XBMC.desktop

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=This session will start XBMC Media Center

i get - can't find package lightdm

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[LIVE] HOW-TO Install Nightly Build0