Samba on OSX (client, not serving)
I have 2 Windows file servers sharing video files via smb (samba)...I can't seem to get XBMC on OSX to see them. To be clear, I can mount them in Finder with no problems, but it won't work in XBMC...what am I doing wrong?

If you have mounted them using the Finder, when you do something like add a source, look under the VOLUMES listing. That's where all mounted volumes are listed. I've had limited success using the built in XBMC samba on OSX when trying to connect to a Windows smb share.
Does it matter that I am using a SQL Database to share my library? If I add a source to the OSX client, won't it be added to all my other devices? Thanks!
Yea, it probably does. With a shared database, the path tithe video file has to be the same on every device. If you mount the SMB share in OSX and then use the /Volumes path, it won't match what's in the database. One other thing to try is to unmount the SMB share in OSX before attempting the connection in XBMC.
Same problem here, I have XBMC 13.1_beta2 (tested also with 13.0 stable) running on Mac OSX 10.9.3 and cannot connect to my Windows 7 HPTC shares using XBMC. Same version of XBMC on the Windows host but it can safely use these smb links (the database is shared so all files are linked as smb:// paths).
I have some folders shared on Windows (Movies, TV Shows, Music, Video Clips) and guest access is disabled so I must enter my Windows username/password to connect and I can do it without problems using the Fonder but XBMC doesn't, same errors as yours.
I have a shared database on a Mysql server instance running on the Windows 7 HPTC, so I cannot mount the shares using the Finder and let XBMC use them this way because my XBMC library would become a mess.
Any chance to fix this issue in the next 13.1 beta release?
I forgot to write that everything used to work fine until a few days ago, when I had XBMC 12.3 ... btw no other serious issue to report with 13.1_beta so far..
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)
Thanks for the info, after following that guide and restarting Windows XBMC Gotham on Mac OSX is able to connect to my Windows 7 shares.
FYI I had already setup my Windows HPTC up to step 5 so I just have added Everyone to each shared folder's "share with" list.
What I can't understand is why XBMC Frodo was able to connect to my smb:// shares without the need to add Everyone to "share with" while Gotham doesn't, it doesn't sound good.

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