DVBViewer EPG data showing features instead of programme info
Hi all, not totally sure how to describe this issue or what terms to search for so apologies if it has already been answered.

Running Gotham 13.2 on Windows and OpenElec clients, Emminence skin[/code][/quote], DVBViewer Pro 5.3.1, Recording Service 1.30.1 for backend.

The EPG shown in XBMC seems to show the program features such as
[DVB subtitles][eng]
instead of the description for the current programme.


In the DVBViewer app itself it shows the correct info so I know the descriptions are being grabbed (from DVB-S) and stored somewhere, I think the XBMC add-on is just looking in the wrong field possibly.

Can anyone suggest where to change this?
Same problem here, not sure how to fix it. The Web Interface for the backend displays the correct information.
Please read the online manual (wiki) & FAQ (wiki) before posting.

Skins: Estuary | Xperience1080
Opinion: Never purchase HTC products
For anyone else, this is being worked on: see http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=140645&page=73
Please read the online manual (wiki) & FAQ (wiki) before posting.

Skins: Estuary | Xperience1080
Opinion: Never purchase HTC products

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DVBViewer EPG data showing features instead of programme info0