Tried installing new XBMC build & now it doesn't load past Xbox logo screen!
Nothing ever worked, I have been constantly trying stuff since this thread.

The X2 Bios does not load when holding the clear button in Port 1.
No error code ever pops up, it just sticks at the XBOX screen as it looks for xbmc.xbe

No error code pops up, so I can't hotswap the drive.

WHAT CAN I DO AT THIS POINTHuh Is there anybody I can send this off to? Otherwise I just lost 300GB of data I've been working on for the past 3 years. Sad
Follow this link if you're having problems getting to your dash to FTP. This lets you FTP via PC -> XBOX.

I'm having a similar problem, but I suppose I should start my own thread rather than poop on yours. Smile
Follow this link:

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Tried installing new XBMC build & now it doesn't load past Xbox logo screen!0