v17 About RC3
I have RC2 installed, if I install RC3 will I keep all of my addons including the skin used.
Everything should stay
Moanbag is in da place!
(2017-01-14, 13:27)Gracus Wrote: Everything should stay
I'd like to believe you (no pun intended), but I need a response from a KODI member. It's just that they're more informed about it. When I was using Jarvis RC2 then the final version of that came out, I was told the same, when I installed the final version of Jarvis I lost some of my addons including my settings to view my videos on my HDD it was a pain in the neck to set everything up again the way I had it.

Thanks! anyway,
Take a backup of your userdata folder, then if it gets messed up just restore the old Kodi version and folder

In the end if stability and lack of disruption are so important, stick to the regular releases
(2017-01-14, 13:27)Gracus Wrote: Everything should stay

what he said.
Unless your skin or whatever is not supported.
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I just backup the entire Kodi folder to a USB drive...I do it once a week..always have a backup that way Wink
(2017-01-14, 13:47)FreddytheDOG Wrote:
(2017-01-14, 13:27)Gracus Wrote: Everything should stay
I'd like to believe you (no pun intended), but I need a response from a KODI member. It's just that they're more informed about it. When I was using Jarvis RC2 then the final version of that came out, I was told the same, when I installed the final version of Jarvis I lost some of my addons including my settings to view my videos on my HDD it was a pain in the neck to set everything up again the way I had it.

You're experience was atypical then. A see a team member has replied, but it's not like his say-so will make it true 100% of the time. If you have something strange on your system, you might have problems. As others have said, you should back up that data just in case.
The reason you lost apps in your previous update was because they were not compatible with the new version of Kodi. If you had waited a while or manually updated the addons they would have returned to you,at least the ones that had updates.

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