NVIDIA Shield TV Remote in Kodi 17.1 on WINDOWS
I have used my NVIDIA Shield TV Remote in Kodi on WINDOWS 7 since Kodi 14 without issues until I upgraded from Kodi 16 to Kodi 17.1.

Now my keyboard.xml is ignored.

If I press a key on my remote Kodi asks to configure the "controller". I have done that and it is NOT what I want, not even close; with very limited buttons I need the remote to function differently in different screens, not to mention that the navigation sounds aren't triggered when using a controller (at least not mine).

Is there a way to get my remote working as a remote again or am I just going to have to stick with Kodi 16?

OS: Windows 7 x64

remote: NVIDIA Shield TV Remote

key presses show up in debug log
DEBUG: BUTTON [ 1 ] on "Shield Remote" pressed

shows up in debug log as "Shield Remote"
NOTICE: PERIPHERALS::CPeripheralAddon::Register - new joystick device registered on addon->peripheral.joystick/0: Shield Remote

also have this in log
DEBUG: Empty button map detected for game.controller.default

not a game controller, it's a remote ...

snippet from my keyboard.xml that works in Kodi on versions < 17
<joystick name="Shield Remote">
<button id="1">Up</button>

debug log:

old working keyboard.xml

Can someone, anyone at least point me in the right direction?

Why does my remote work as intended in v16.2 but not in v17+ ?
I wouldn't even have thought of trying my Shield remote with the PC. I guess you must have some sort of bluetooth receiver and needs to be mapped out for 17, sorry no reasons why it worked in 16 and not 17 although there was a lot of work in that area, I did notice that if you plug the Shield controller into the PC USB to charge, a driver install pops up, one wonders if that has anything to do with it. Remote controls (wiki)

This question might be better handled in hardware, I'll move the post along if you're agreeable?
Move it if you think it'll help ... about to just say eff it and stick with 16.2 since unlike 17, it works properly with my setup ...
Here's a link to look at http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=245504

Moving this thread to hardware.

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NVIDIA Shield TV Remote in Kodi 17.1 on WINDOWS0