Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
record does not work unless edited
If I select record for the current program in the TV guide it does not start (and will never), same for programs in the near future. However if I go and edit that schedule, even if I don't change anything it immediately starts recording. could there be a problem with the plugin not sending the signal to notify MP that the schedule has changed but the notification gets sent when editing, perhaps a try/catch block is skipping out before the notify command is sent but after the schedule is created?
Works fine here. You need to give a lot more information, including MP version, Kodi version and platform, and debug logs.
it was so repeatable for me I am surprised it works for you, anyway here is the log
I've just checked. What I did was open the EPG, pressed 'i' on my keyboard to open the contextual menu, then selected 'record' from the buttons.

The remote I have connected to my main PC has very few buttons, so I can't just press 'record' on the remote.

When I press record, it gives me the 'recording scheduled' alert, but the recording does start immediately.

Checked with two different channels.
that sounds like what I do, I don't have a record button as such but have a context menu button that I press and then select record. I then get the schedule message but the record dot stays grey and the recording never starts. before I realised how to fix it I have seen movies not record at all, so its not just slow to start, it doesn't start at all. I tried from 2 separate user accounts, so 2 separate Kodi configs, one of them being almost 100% stock standard. Mediaportal people tell me its the kodi plugin
I don't know why it is not working in your case. I cannot reproduce this. I also checked your post on the MediaPortal forum and I can confirm that I do call the event RemoteControl.Instance.OnNewSchedule(); when adding or updating a schedule.

Your log file contains enough information for me to start digging a bit deeper. I will check the code to see if I can find the problem here...

Your log file shows nothing weird. The settings of the Timer reported after the AddTimer and after the UpdateTimer for the same schedule are the same, so I don't see how the update schedule fixes the start of the recording. Whatever I try when using TVServer 1.17 (from MediaPortal 1), I cannot reproduce your situation. Al my scheduled recordings just start recording at the expected time.
Developer of the MediaPortal PVR addon and retired developer of the Argus-TV PVR-addon.

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record does not work unless edited0