2021-09-28, 06:53
Installed Kodi a while back and finally got done burning all the movies and tv shows I have on disk (whew). However, I've noticed that some movies just don't scan/scrape. Cannot figure out why. Specifically, the following 7 movies:
Uploaded my log file here: Kodi Log File
Any help is appreciated. Just not sure what I'm missing here.
- Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Extended Edition - First 2 movies work with "part 1" "part 2" naming convention. However, it's not picking up one of the disks here for the 3rd movie.
- The Last Samurai
- Blade: Trinity
- Legally Blond 2
- Star Wars Episode 3: Return of the Sith
- Resident Evil
- Underworld
Uploaded my log file here: Kodi Log File
Any help is appreciated. Just not sure what I'm missing here.