Research into using Kodi for application
Hello all,

I am exploring utilizing kodi for a particular application and I have a few questions regarding Kodi.

1) In the application I would need to create a custom interface. It looks like this is possible but wanted to to check with the community, how would I go about this? Should I develop in the original code C++ or go about utilizing python?

2) Is it possible to launch an external program within kodi?

Please let me know!
For the custom interface you would either need to use Python and the appropriate calls to create windows or you would need to create an entirely custom skin for Kodi.  That uses XML.  Which you choose kind of depends on what you're trying to do.

Calling external programs can be tricky and is very dependent on the underlying OS.  You'd have to call the external program using Python, and the methods for doing that tend to not be very cross platform.
Ok and what is the extent of the customization on the interface that I can do? I would like to totally re do the layout and add in some animations possibly
Skins are highly customisable see

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Research into using Kodi for application0