Broken Visualizations not working
Recently got an android tv box, installed kodi and when tried to play music there was no visualization, tried all from official repository but none were working. Since it wasn't a powerful box, i have tried it on other android devices like S10e, S9, Sony Xperia Z5 and huawei P10 but no visualization showed up just black screen. Gave premissions for microphone.
I know how to add visualizations and enable them, it isnt my first time using kodi, but i can't get it working on android. I unterstand for addons like projectm or fishbmc but what about matrix or pictureit?
well if you are going to refuse to read the link i guess i will just have to quote it for you

(2016-10-31, 09:56)User 325245 Wrote: Visualizations are mostly platform-specific. What that means is that all the fancy visualizations are working on Windows, but NOT on Android....
I have readed it and as i said, i understood for visualizations like projectm but visualizations like pictureit or matrix which worked in older versions on android are not workkng now
It's not clear from your posts.

Do you see the Visualisations in the Repo?
If so, are you then able to download and enabled the Visualisations?
You meantion getting a black screeen, at exactly what point does this occur? is it while playing music and you are attempting to active an already installed Visualisation?
I do see them, i have downloaded them, enabled and it dosent work when playing music where visualizations should display.

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