The TMDB info addon for tv series ignores language settings
I'm using LibreELEC on my RPI4 box. Everything was working fine, but after upgrade to LE12, the TMDB info addon for tv series ignores language settings. I have set it to pl_PL but when adding a new tv series, all the info for it is in English. The same when I refresh the info of any of the existing tv series -- it is replaced with the English version. The TMDB info addon for movies works well. Is there a way to fix it?
This one is on me.  A feature was added via an external pull request to have an option to separate the display language from the art language.  As part of that, the setting name for the display language was changed.  I missed that during code review, and the way I test language support doesn't account for this.  That means when you upgraded, the setting for display language was basically set back to the default of English.

If you go to your source and then open the settings, change the language to something else, save the settings, then go back into the source settings and change it to the correct language, the setting should update.  You can do the same in the addon settings so that the "template" settings for new sources is right as well.  After that if you do an update scan on your items, the correct language should show up.

My apologies for creating a breaking change like this on a minor update.

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The TMDB info addon for tv series ignores language settings0