remove artist (or album) from library
Is there a way to remove an artist or album from the music library like you can with the video library?

I've had a big stick up my backside for a long time concerning my tagging of songs and wanting to keep them alphabetical. It drove me crazy to have THE BEATLES sorted under the letter "T". But, media players have finally caught up and realizing that people are lazy have developed better ways to sort and present songs based on bad tags.

So, I'm starting the process of retagging my music and I'm ending up with both "Beatles, The" and "The Beatles" in my library (also "Beiber, Justin" and "Justin Beiber"). I'd really rather not rebuild my entire library but I can't find a why to delete the old entries.

Thanks in advance.
You might try cleaning the library. In System -> Music there is an option to clean the library. Also (on my setup anyway), if I update the library the old, dead entries have always gone away. I use iTunes to organize and tag my music, so it might have something to do with that.
(2012-08-31, 17:55)pkscuot Wrote: You might try cleaning the library. In System -> Music there is an option to clean the library. Also (on my setup anyway), if I update the library the old, dead entries have always gone away. I use iTunes to organize and tag my music, so it might have something to do with that.

Clean doesn't work nor does update. I think the problem is that the library is driven by filenames and I've not changed any filenames. I've just retagged the existing files.

Anyone else have a guess?


anyone have any thoughts concerning this?
Just had a similar problem with mp3s where the Artist and Album Artist tags are slightly different, always gives me duplicate Artists in the Music Library for the same mp3 file. Here's what worked for me.

1 Move the problem mp3 or mp3s away from where KODI scans
2 Restart KODI and do a Music Library Update, all the Duplicate Artists should disappear
3 Alter the Tags in the problem mp3 or mp3s so they are correct
4 Move the mp3 or mp3s back into the correct place
5 Restart KODI and do a Music Library Update

Hopefully now you won't have multiple Artist entries for the same mp3 file.

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remove artist (or album) from library0