Bad Audio in XBMC 12.2 for Android :S
I have the same issue.. i have found that it only happens when bluetooth is using an audio device. When i turn it off... everything is fine. Has anyone tried this?
hello to everyone, i got the same problem with my nexus 7 2nd generation and exept audio also video cracking? any ideas ? thanks in advance
(2013-10-23, 21:27)xray1 Wrote: hello to everyone, i got the same problem with my nexus 7 2nd generation and exept audio also video cracking? any ideas ? thanks in advance

Try a nightly build (wiki).
Thank you for your answer , may i ask further instructions?
(2013-10-26, 21:19)xray1 Wrote: Thank you for your answer , may i ask further instructions?

download last available from
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Just to confirm i download the latest file and then i just press install and thats all?
HOW-TO:Install_XBMC_for_Android (wiki)
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I have installed and now when it comes to play the movie or the channel nothi g is working , i cant watch anything how can i get back? To uninstall The downloaded file? Thanks once more
Nightly worked perfectly, thank you
i hv same problem on my new nexus 7 especially when using headset. downloaded the latest nightly version. it fixed the audio problem but got green screen now when play mkv and other hd video. can play rmvb..

just report here and hopefully has resolution. tks.
This only happens on mine when using bluetooth.
Hello all. Is there a solution on this. Having the same issue running 12.3 on a note 3

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Bad Audio in XBMC 12.2 for Android :S0