EDIT: Rebuilt Kodi, this time using correct branch I believe (System Info showing 133ca72), still no joy though. Updated steps for those interested in helping or for the less linux savvy people out there (like myself) trying for themselves. BTW, if I'm not supposed to post this here, my apologies.
Tried building libbluray and the bdj branch but not sure if I've done it correctly. Is there any way to check, i.e. by Kodi version number?
My System info lists: Git: date-ae419a7-dirty if that is any help. Edit: Lists correct version info now.
I downloaded libbluray 0.6.2 from the vlc site and built it succesfully I think, only the building of the bdj branch I'm not really sure of. Here are the steps I followed (roughly) so if I did something wrong, can someone correct me or point me in the right direction please?
As you may find I'm no linux expert ...
1) Get updated packages and dependencies
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get build-dep xbmc
Had to also install these somewhere down the line, thought I'd include them here:
sudo apt-get install libcap-dev libtool libxml2-dev libfreetype6-dev default-jdk ant git-core
When building kodi, had to get a newer version of libcec:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pulse-eight/libcec
sudo apt-get install libcec
Quote:Source used: http://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Compile_XBMC_for_Linux
2) Removing, building and re-installing libbluray
sudo apt-get remove libbluray1
cd /usr/local/src
wget ftp://ftp.videolan.org/pub/videolan/libbluray/0.6.2/libbluray-0.6.2.tar.bz2
tar –xzv libbluray
cd libbluray
sudo ./bootstrap
sudo ./configure --enable-bdjava
I believe all went well:
BD-J support: yes
BD-J type: j2se
Font support (freetype2): yes
Metadata support (libxml2): yes
Build examples: yes
Finally make and install:
sudo make -j2
sudo make install
Quote:Source used: http://cocoaintheshell.com/2013/05/libbl...-mac-os-x/
3) Build kodi branch with libbluray enabled
sudo git clone -b bdj https://github.com/ace20022/xbmc.git
cd xbmc
git clean -xfd
sudo git reset --hard
sudo git pull --rebase
Quote:Source used: http://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Compile_XBMC_for_Linux
sudo ./bootstrap
# Adjust following options if necessary, i.e. vdpau disabled and vaapi enabled
sudo ./configure --disable-pulse --enable-libbluray --enable-vdpau --disable-vaapi (--disable-crystalhd --enable-libmp3lame) <---- last two options unrecognized
# Adjust -j2 accordingly or leave out, had some warnings
sudo make –j2
sudo make install
4) Reboot