MeediOS Icon Sets in XBMC / Integrating Emulators
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Icon Sets
Just wanted to give a heads up for anyone looking for alternate icon sets. There are a number of really complete icon sets for Meedio that can be easily used in XBMC. Two sets are available here:

Others can be found if you search through the forums at and

Here is my setup using the RoundRec icons with Project Mayhem III:

All you have to do is download the icon set, rename the file so it has a .zip extension, extract it, and put it on your Xbox somewhere. Then use them like you would any other icons.

Integrating Emulators
I ran across the documentation for shortcut files and noticed the comment about being able to launch xport emulators with a game parameter. I then wrote a small perl script (if you know perl and want it, let me know) that scans all of my roms for each emulator and sorts/creates shortcut files within a custom directory structure. I have mine sorting the shortcut files by the first letter of the game name, but it could easily be modified to do genre, year, etc as well. The shortcut file includes the path to the cover art for each game. Here is an example shortcut file I've created (note: the paths are wrong right now since I'm using this with the XBMC on my PC):

   <label>Super Mario Bros. 3</label>
   <thumb>D:\emulators\Nintendo\covers\Super Mario Bros. 3 (U) (PRG0) [!].jpg</thumb>  
         <game>D:\emulators\Nintendo\roms\Super Mario Bros. 3 (U) (PRG0) [!].nes</game>

Here's the result when you select Genesis from the My Programs menu:

Here's when you select "R":

Selecting the game from the menu will launch the xport emulator and automatically load the game. I know there's the emulauncher script, but this works easily with any theme. I hope to someday refine this so it automatically downloads the cover art and FTP's everything to the xbox, but this should be a good start if other people are looking to do similar.
very nice work!
a recent icon job I ran into: I found that I have a lot of Xbox games, and want to sort them into categorys but putting them into sub-directories. I want to make icons for the various category folders. We're talking stuff like "Action", "Adventure", "FPS", "Fighting", etc
the only non-genre one is "System Link", since I keep all those games in their own folder for gaming parties.
any ideas/suggestions?
The designers of the Meedio icon sets are still pretty active on the meedio and meedios forums. I've requested icons for certain things before and they've added them within a day or two. Most of them have also linked to a PSD template that you can use, if you have any graphic skills. Most of the templates make it really easy, where you just paste the image you want into the correct layer, scale it if necessary, and save it as a png.
jah, that's what I figured I'd do. Once I can run it, I wanna use the Win32 platform to develop Python scripts. I figure a script that auto-generates the shortcuts shouldn't actually be that hard to write. Pretty much just get such & such paths from a GUI Browse button, walk a directory and spit out the files. At least on a conceptual level it sounds very straightforward Smile
Yeah, that'd be really easy. Down the line it would probably be pretty straightforward to get a category listing from one of the rom sites and create shortcuts based on the genres as well. I don't know python, otherwise I'd try putting something together.
this was some beautiful work...any updates? i'd love to integrate this into my xbmc
szsori Wrote:Icon Sets
Just wanted to give a heads up for anyone looking for alternate icon sets. There are a number of really complete icon sets for Meedio that can be easily used in XBMC. Two sets are available here:

Others can be found if you search through the forums at and

Here is my setup using the RoundRec icons with Project Mayhem III:

All you have to do is download the icon set, rename the file so it has a .zip extension, extract it, and put it on your Xbox somewhere. Then use them like you would any other icons.

Integrating Emulators
I ran across the documentation for shortcut files and noticed the comment about being able to launch xport emulators with a game parameter. I then wrote a small perl script (if you know perl and want it, let me know) that scans all of my roms for each emulator and sorts/creates shortcut files within a custom directory structure. I have mine sorting the shortcut files by the first letter of the game name, but it could easily be modified to do genre, year, etc as well. The shortcut file includes the path to the cover art for each game. Here is an example shortcut file I've created (note: the paths are wrong right now since I'm using this with the XBMC on my PC):

   <label>Super Mario Bros. 3</label>
   <thumb>D:\emulators\Nintendo\covers\Super Mario Bros. 3 (U) (PRG0) [!].jpg</thumb>  
         <game>D:\emulators\Nintendo\roms\Super Mario Bros. 3 (U) (PRG0) [!].nes</game>

Here's the result when you select Genesis from the My Programs menu:

Here's when you select "R":

Selecting the game from the menu will launch the xport emulator and automatically load the game. I know there's the emulauncher script, but this works easily with any theme. I hope to someday refine this so it automatically downloads the cover art and FTP's everything to the xbox, but this should be a good start if other people are looking to do similar.

This is exactly what I've been wanting to do. I don't see those icon sets at that link tho...
joebrady Wrote:This is exactly what I've been wanting to do. I don't see those icon sets at that link tho...

Change it to list 100 per page and then search for RoundRec. It's there. Also, I got your PM about the emulator script. Unfortunately I don't have the script anymore. All it did was loop through the rom files and make a shortcut for each in a separate folder.
Thanks anyway! Does anyone have any type of script for auto creating .cut files for xbmc? I've been searching the intrawebs, but nothing yet....

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MeediOS Icon Sets in XBMC / Integrating Emulators0