Android Import m3u playlists not working on v17
I wanted to import my multiple playlists created with Foobar2000 to my Android TV Kodi setup.
Therefor I changed the paths for the music tracks corresponding to the mount points in Kodi
and placed the playlists into the userdata folder like it says in the wiki-userdata and wiki-playlists.

Unfortunately the playlists get not detected and autoloaded at all.

I tried to import them with the "Load"-feature in Kodi and the tracks appear but won't play. Kodi can't seem to load the path (which I triplechecked).

Any ideas?
I have successfully transferred over my m3u playlists to my Fire TV in v17. Whenever I have had problems it is invariably changing the relative path that has been the problem. It's difficult to guess without a log or example of your m3u file.

My suggestion would be to create a playlist with a single song within Kodi. Turn on debugging. Play your new playlist, then try to play the failing imported playlist. Compare the results in the log, and if the issue isn't clear post the log here.
(2017-01-02, 23:25)WelshPaul Wrote: I have successfully transferred over my m3u playlists to my Fire TV in v17. Whenever I have had problems it is invariably changing the relative path that has been the problem. It's difficult to guess without a log or example of your m3u file.

My suggestion would be to create a playlist with a single song within Kodi. Turn on debugging. Play your new playlist, then try to play the failing imported playlist. Compare the results in the log, and if the issue isn't clear post the log here.
Thank you. Will try. So you recommend a relative path and not an absolute, like m3u usually is?
Sorry, not being very clear. What I meant was that if I create a playlist with another application (such as mp3tag) it has references using \'s for example:

SynoMusic\Non-Classical\ABBA\Arrival\2 Dancing Queen.mp3

whereas Kodi uses /'s such as:

smb://WORKGROUP/Music/Non-Classical/ABBA/Arrival/2 Dancing Queen.mp3

I guess that mp3tag is using the paths from my laptop's file manager including names I've given network shares., whereas Kodi needs to be told exactly where to find the file (you can tell I've gone beyond my computing comfort zone here). So, I have to open all playlists in a text editor and do a search and replace before transferring over to the Fire TV.
(2017-01-03, 14:23)WelshPaul Wrote: Sorry, not being very clear. What I meant was that if I create a playlist with another application (such as mp3tag) it has references using \'s for example:

SynoMusic\Non-Classical\ABBA\Arrival\2 Dancing Queen.mp3

whereas Kodi uses /'s such as:

smb://WORKGROUP/Music/Non-Classical/ABBA/Arrival/2 Dancing Queen.mp3

I guess that mp3tag is using the paths from my laptop's file manager including names I've given network shares., whereas Kodi needs to be told exactly where to find the file (you can tell I've gone beyond my computing comfort zone here). So, I have to open all playlists in a text editor and do a search and replace before transferring over to the Fire TV.
Hm, somehow, Kodi feels like Beta software. Everyone has to be a parttime coder to do just simple tasks. Sad.

Thank you. I might try again but if I find a different solution I might just jump.
Please don't give up just yet. Firstly, that may not be the problem in your case, someone else may have a better solution. Secondly, I described my way of doing things, others may have better answers or I may have completely missed a simpler way of importing playlists. And finally it only takes me 2 minutes now to just open all my playlists in a text editor do a couple of search and replaces and transfer over to my ftv, though of course the first time there's a bit of a learning curve to find the tools for the job you're comfortable with.

(2017-01-04, 11:37)sir_brickalot Wrote: somehow, Kodi feels like Beta software. Everyone has to be a parttime coder to do just simple tasks.

I don't think that's completely fair. In my case it's going from one platform to another that's the problem, not Kodi itself. It always bugs me that if I transfer things to iTunes it won't import my ratings, and you'd hardly call that Beta Software. There is a learning curve and sure it's frustrating at times, but then it would get a little dull if you'd finished everything in an hour. That's like being bored of your Christmas presents by lunchtime. It can be frustrating at times but you will probably then find it can do things your other programs can't, and it doesn't cost anything to try. Perhaps you could try things out while you continue with your current set up.
Hi, I am 100% new to Kodi which I downloaded today from the Google Play Store.

After successfully importing all music folders into my Android device, I am miserably failing at importing my m3u pre-existing playlists, even if they are located exactly in the same SD card folder where all the music files are.

Looking at the Kodi Music menu, all the songs are there, the albums are there, the artists are there... but I don't know how to teach Kodi to acknowledge and play my playlists.

Any help?  Confused
(2017-12-01, 05:21)HomerJau Wrote: See:
 How is Path Substitution helping?
I checked again and eventhough your link does not necessarily clarify how to use that function I could put it together with another helpful post here.

Now I managed that Kodi would import my external playlists, created with OS X with totally different file paths in the m3u playlists. Which is great.
I copy my personal howto here:

Map playlist location for Kodi use
# To use playlists from different systems/locations the advancedsettings.xml has to modified and paths have to be matched.
# Sample: m3u Playlists from OS X system might have a path like '/Users/"user"/Music/Artist/Album/title.mp3' but Kodi is on a media server where the Music files are provided by a USB drive. The path would be something like '/storage/USBdrive/Music/Artist/Album/title.mp3'.
- rename m3u8 to m3u !
- create/update /sdcard/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml with the following entry:


    <!-- Link from Kodi Playlist Folder to Music Playlist Folder MODIFY! -->
    <!-- Link file paths in playlists to actual file paths MODIFY -->


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Import m3u playlists not working on v170