Testbuild rev #12409 (pass through 3nd)
tajson Wrote:And you are testing with non-stereo sources?
As you can see detailed in my post earlier, I tested with various stereo and multi-channel sources.
Thanks so much!
BUT speed playing after change subtitles stayed.

PS and pls - compiling milkdrop will be nice Smile
Hi! First i must thank WiSo and all the others on the XBMC-project for a great work. Smile

Is it only for my system or is XBMC very memory leaky *spell*? The programs starts with shy 50 mb of ram, but has transformed to more than 1 gb of ram after an hour.
Awesome stuff - audio working for my configuration now too! Thanks! Smile

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Testbuild rev #12409 (pass through 3nd)0