Multiple addon tiles/entries for a single addon

There's an add-on I'm working on (ZA WARUDO! launcher) and I've been looking for a way to have several tiles/entries for it. One tile per app/config. I don't want to use a menu inside the add-on since this would make it complicated for my use case (senior users, for starters).

I'm thinking of a solution which is admittedly hacky and inelegant. Another plugin that would directly copy and manipulate copies of the main launcher plugin. This will be tricky to implement and maintain, especially for doing updates of the launcher plugins. Might not be acceptable for inclusion in the official repo, too.
Another thought, which can be applied with the idea above, I think, is to use plugin URLs. One main launcher plugin, and other stubs that call the main plugin. A way to create the stubs and maintain them is still needed, as above.

Any thoughts? Is there a portable way to programmatically add tiles to the program add-ons entries in Kodi through an add-on?

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Multiple addon tiles/entries for a single addon0