Issue Switching Between AC3 Profiles
I have been experiencing an issue where files in a playlist will sometimes play with no audio and then the video will freeze. After some experimentation, I have found that it seems to come down to when changing AC3 formats. If I am going from AC3 5.1 to AC3 5.1, things work fine, but if I go from AC3 5.1 to AC3 2.0 or the other way around, the problem happens. Below is a small section of my log file where I just switch between two files that will trigger the issue. I can provide a full log later, but I don't have time at the moment to remove my Plex server token.

This is on an nVidia Shield TV running the 7.2 firmware, though the issue was also present on the older 7.1 firmware. To the best of my knowledge, this issue has been present in RC1, RC2, and RC3, and probably Beta 5, but I don't recall for sure on that one. These same files worked correctly on Kodi 17.6 and below, using the same pass-through settings as Kodi 18. The only addons I have are a modded version of the Titan skin, and PlexKodiConnect (stable 2.4.11, though the issue also is present on the beta 2.5.5) and the required support addons for each; again, an almost identical setup worked correctly on Kodi 17, and most of the Kodi 18 alpha and beta cycle. The Shield is getting the files from a NAS on my LAN and both are connected via a gigabit connection, so bandwidth should not be the issue. I will try to provide any additional information requested when I get home from work.

* log snippet removed *
1) Do not post logs in the forum. Use instead.

2) Enable debugging, RESTART Kodi, and reproduce the error(s). Upload the new FULL log file.
I tried uploading to the URL you gave, but it says it exceed the maximum length. So I uploaded it to a different site. The issue happened with the last file played, in case that wasn't obvious. What I experience is the video starts playing with no audio and then after a few seconds it just freezes on a frame and stays like that. The counter keeps running as if the video were still playing, but without audio I have no way of verifying this.
Just remembered I didn't update this.

The issue appears to be with the file, not Kodi. The source bluray lists the audio track as an unknown format, and if I try to convert the audio to say AAC 5.1, it just ends up as stereo. It seems either I got an ever so slightly defective bluray, or more likely it was just a messed up master image. So Kodi is just choking on trying to figure out what the audio stream is since the metadata is incorrect. If the Kodi devs can figure out a way to let it handle such files gracefully, bonus, but if not, it's only the one file so I'll just deal with it.

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Issue Switching Between AC3 Profiles0