Off-site backup of Kodi websites, forums, ​​​​​​​servers and GitHub repositories?
Just read this blog post by the Libretro Team (RetroArch, Libretro, and Lakka developers) about how a hacker recently vandalised the Libretro buildbot server and GitHub organization.

Got me curious if the Kodi Team have off-site backups for all websites, forums, build servers, all Kodi/XBMC related GitHub repositories, etc. in case of a similar catastrophe?

To summarize they have basically been the victims of a planned malicious cyberattack by a black hat hacker who wiped some of their servers and most of their GitHub repositories.

They have a follow-up blog post summarizing what could be recovered and what could not, and most interesting is that GitHub could not be fully relied upon for repo backups:

The lesson learned from this experience is to be sure to have automated backups of everything that they do not wish to lose to off-site locations with different access permissions.
I'd hope so. I know I'm just a home user but that event changed the way I do my backups of non replaceables. Now I do cloud / local / removable local. A little more work of course but worth it. 

Nothing is certain, but we can always try a bit harder. Such is life.
FYI, Libretro has now also posted an interesting follow-up post about some of the actions taken to rebuild their buildbot infrastructure


"How it works is that we have our own Gitlab server now that mirrors all the repositories on our Github organization. This server is considerably beefier and more expensive than anything we have had before, and is able to cut through the cores and RetroArch workload like butter."

And as a bonus:
"What will all this mean for the user?
  • Faster build times
  • More platforms supported
  • Faster stable releases"

They also mentioned that another future blog post will go into more technical details:

"m4xw will later be writing an article that goes into technical details on our new server"

I can only assume that they also made sure that the GitLab server and repo mirrors has to be accessed with different accounts too.
We did do backups to another server when I was in the team, that was a while ago though!

I'm sure @Kib has it sorted

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Off-site backup of Kodi websites, forums, ​​​​​​​servers and GitHub repositories?0