Why doesn't Kodi see texture/thumbnails in local cache after upgrades?
I thought I understood how the texture cache worked but maybe not.
My home system consists of several PC (Windows) and several Fire TV boxes (old and new).  I run the database server on mariadb on an Unraid box.  This has worked well for many years.  I just decided to update to Leia so I did what I always do: I upgrade one of the PC's, run Kodi and this creates the new database on the mariadb server.
For the PCs, the thumbnails are still in userdata, so they are all intact.
For the Fire TV boxes, I have to uninstall Kodi first, then install the newer version.  This has worked well in past.  Of course, this deletes all the locally cached thumbnails/textures and the Textures13.db file so the Fire TV's have to re-fetch the thumbnails from the servers and recreate the cache locally.  This has always worked before and I just let each box get the artwork as and when it needs it.  This time, this fails.  That is, none of the 4 Fire TV boxes now running Leia are getting any artwork as I access Movies and TV Shows.  I suspect this is because of this issue: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=357709.

Now, before I did the update, I backed up one of the Fire TV installs of Krypton.  I decided to use adblink to "push" the Thumbnails folder with the textures and the Textures13.db file to one of the upgraded boxes.  However, this did not work.  That box (running Leia now) does not seem to notice the cached thumbnails.  I don't understand this.  Has the format of the Textures13.db  database changed?  If so, why does it still have the same idenifying number (13).  Or is there some other file that I need to restore to get this work?

Thanks for any help.
Current Kodi: 20.2, Mariadb 10.2 running on Unraid server.

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Why doesn't Kodi see texture/thumbnails in local cache after upgrades?0