Problem scanning library
I'm pretty new to xbmc and am trying to install it on my windows 7 64bit machine. I have the latest stable xbmc (9.11) and the latest aeon stark.

Everything works great until the library scan part. When i try to "set the content" on my movie folder and click ok nothing happens. When i press "Set content" again the changes i made are gone.

I have tried to uninstall everything and install it again in case something was corrupt but it didn't help :/
Install the 6/16 nightly build and have it scan for new content. I had similar issues with 9.11 and a March nightly build but the 6/16 has run great.
I tried the 6/16 build and a couple of others but still won't work. When trying it in confluence i get a slightly different result though. All my settings get saved except "run automated scan". It feels like i'm doing something wrong or missing something. Here is a clip of what happens:
Have you tried a different scraper?

Win7 64-bit | AMD Athlon X2 4850e | 780G Chipset | 2 GB RAM | ATI Radeon 3200 | XBMC 10.0
Yup, and i have tried scraping TV.
The r31275 build fixed most scanning issues for me.
Are you sure your permissions are ok, ie that XBMC is able to save any settings?
Are you running in portable mode, where is your userdata stored?
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prince1142003 Wrote:The r31275 build fixed most scanning issues for me.
I've tried that build.

Quote:Are you sure your permissions are ok, ie that XBMC is able to save any settings?
Are you running in portable mode, where is your userdata stored?

I'm definitely not sure all permissions are in order. I have tried both portable mode and normal. And "run as administrator". And turned of UAC (read in another thread that it solved a similar problem.
I am also getting the same problem... I reinstalled every thing and got this, will give a few more things a try and will let everyone know
I got it working with the latest release (r31657).

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Problem scanning library0