How to tell what's been watched?
In some skins they put a different graphic overtop of the 'thumb'. When I go into my TV episodes or movies I can't tell which ones have been watched.

This is really my only issue with this skin, I love it! You guys could/should charge $$ for this type of work.

Thanks from Canada.
Should be a "+ sign" I believe, in the top right hand corner of the Episode Image if it is unwatched, then it disappears after you watch. Sorry not at home to post a pic of what I am talking about.

** Edit: found a pic online of what I was talking about. this shows a different symbol but its still upper right corner for unwatched.
Thanks for the reply! Mine doesn't show that, is there an option in the settings??

again, thanks Smile

Got it... found the setting under 'settings -> ellipsis -> Hide New (unwatched) video overlay.




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