ANTEC ISK300-65's hidden PSU Spec
Well, I guess I'll give it a whirl when it arrives. I'm sure it will be fine as well, but I may still look for a 3-prong unit if I can find one for under $20... Smile

@Beer: For a little fan, it's fairly quiet. The case fan is significantly louder, so the only way it is even audible is if the tri-cool is unplugged... Unless you are right beside the case, it's not even audible.

Messages In This Thread
ANTEC ISK300-65's hidden PSU Spec - by eskro - 2011-11-15, 07:14
[No subject] - by Beer40oz - 2011-11-15, 07:34
[No subject] - by eskro - 2011-11-15, 07:51
RE: - by bluedevil229 - 2012-05-08, 22:57
RE: - by bluray - 2012-05-08, 23:54
RE: - by eskro - 2012-05-09, 02:33
[No subject] - by Beer40oz - 2011-11-15, 07:58
[No subject] - by eskro - 2011-11-15, 08:07
[No subject] - by Beer40oz - 2011-11-15, 08:09
[No subject] - by eskro - 2011-11-15, 08:10
RE: ANTEC ISK300-65's hidden PSU Spec - by DoeBoye - 2012-04-30, 03:28
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