XBMC from GIT - DTS/DTS-HD/DTS-MA not works
@Bladerunner1962 - I have TV and receiver connect with different HDMI cable.

My tested scenario:

1) XBMC player -> HDMI -> TV - DTS it doesn't work, it's works only AC3

2) XBMC player -> HDMI -> SR-608 -> TV - DTS works, DTS-HD/DTS-MA doesn't work , I tested speaker configuration 5.1 and 7.1, in both options I hear only a noise

device settings XBMC in audio option I check HDMI device (TV Samsung or SR-608)


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RE: XBMC from GIT - DTS/DTS-HD/DTS-MA not works - by forall - 2012-06-10, 19:50
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