TIME SENSITIVE: We need your help to fill out the XBMC PVR wiki page
While Openelec should be mentioned, the xbmc wiki is not the openelec wiki; as such detailed install instructions on that platform should be referred to the openelec site. I think the wiki should educate the user while providing xbmc specific instructions with links to other info.

What i see on the existing page is a good start. I would recommend breaking up the page into a what is pvr, and xbmc pvr history. After that a description of addons/backends that currently work, along with a link to their homepages and the opdenkamp repo for the addons. Finally include some compiling instructions as it is not yet clear to many on how to compile the pvr addon repo and get the addons into xbmc.

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Re: TIME SENSITIVE: We need your help to fill out the XBMC PVR wiki page - by robweber - 2012-09-25, 01:50
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