TIME SENSITIVE: We need your help to fill out the XBMC PVR wiki page
(2012-10-25, 01:08)steeb Wrote: The global screenshot explaining the different TV standards throughout the world is most excellent.

Not really, at best it's confusing. I don't know about the rest of the blue countries that are listed as DVB-T, but in most of europe we have DVB-T/T2, DVB-S/S2 and DVB-C.
A simple fix would be to rename the blue to DVB. But I don't know what the idea behind the globe is and if that will really help, if the idea is to help people to buy the correct tuner it's simply wrong information..

For digital signals in most of EU if you have an antenna it's DVB-T, if it's a sattelite dish it's DVB-S and if it's cable provider it's DVB-C.

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RE: TIME SENSITIVE: We need your help to fill out the XBMC PVR wiki page - by KRA77 - 2012-10-27, 14:44
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