OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi
(2013-01-20, 18:58)Uukrul Wrote: That was how it worked before: I could select 1080i but 1080p was used instead. The problem is 1080i livetv HD channels are almost unwatchable on my TV but if I could select the 1080i res, the TV would handle the deinterlacing.

No. It is much more complicated than just playing an interlaced video and setting the TV to an interlaced mode.
There is no guarantee that the framerates or resolutions match, and there is no logic to output odd and even fields of video on the corresponding odd and even frames of display.
See here:

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MythTV PVR: No Video - by hkramski - 2012-11-13, 20:32
RE: OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi - by popcornmix - 2013-01-20, 19:24
Cumulative Small Skip forward ... - by xandy - 2013-02-03, 15:46
:00 - by Koloss - 2013-07-14, 12:09
RE: :00 - by popcornmix - 2013-07-14, 12:28
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OpenELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi12