Associate extras and/or alternative versions to a movie/TV show title
(2013-03-12, 05:02)brentosmith Wrote: I've updated to 1.1.1. This has a few minor bug fixes, but the big change is I've added a tool to help you remove the trailers that were accidentally added to your movie database. To use the tool go to Programs > Dvd Extras. Then select the "Search for movies to remove from database" command. You can then enter a search parameter (something like "-trailer" probably). The script will then search the database for any files that contain the search string anywhere in the path. A list will be presented showing all matching files. To remove a file from the list just select it. Once you are done select "Continue...". It will then prompt you to make sure you really want to remove these files from the database.

If anyone is still seeing files being scanned that shouldn't please post the exact file path that is having problems and I'll try to help out. The script itself won't change the scanner but the modifications made in advancedsettings could.

Early adopters unfortunately get stuck working out the bugs but I think soon we'll have something really nice.

That's the downside of being bleeding edge, but I think it's great that you've added that to help Smile I'll try it out and report back.

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RE: Associate extras and/or alternative versions to a movie/TV show title - by Deano316 - 2013-03-12, 12:57
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Associate extras and/or alternative versions to a movie/TV show title8