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Associate extras and/or alternative versions to a movie/TV show title
I made a ticket ( ) for this already, but I was told to also post here. As such I'll just copy the ticket content here:

I would like to propose a feature for XBMC to allow users to associate extra files and/or versions to a movie/TV show title. Like e.g. many movies include stuff like "Behind the scenes", "Making of" and such, and many TV shows feature such stuff too, though some of the TV show - extras as per-episode and some are per-season.

These extras should not show up as additional titles in the library so as to clutter it up unnecessarily, instead they should be accessible once you've chosen a movie or TV-show. I shall leave the actual UI details to someone else.

It would be preferential for users to be allowed to manually associate external files, give them a meaningful description etc., but XBMC should also handle adding such automatically should there exist files/folders with matching names. The naming scheme should be clearly documented in the Wiki or somewhere, though.

One easy way would be as follows: You have a file with the name "Movie.mkv". XBMC checks if there exists a folder with the name "Movie.mkv - Extras" and if so, associates the contents there with the "Movie.mkv", then proceeds to scrape only the "Movie.mkv", not the extras. Not all people like the idea of creating subfolders, though, so it would likely be a good idea to also allow non-subfolder-based extras.

As for how useful this feature would be: I doubt it would be used much by the general userbase, but for film buffs like me it would be a great boon and save us from hopping on and off of XBMC and facilitate actual proper media library creation.
I'd like to +1 this. I have quite a few 'extras' in the form of deleted scenes, extended scenes, ect. that have been ripped from my blurays that I would love to be able to access via an extras context menu. Maybe even the movie/tv 'info' screen could have this function.
I'd also +1 this request - this would greatly help the clutter of movie extras/deleted scenes currently littering my video library.
+1 for this request also! But I also wish you could select video qualities for a movie/tv show. Like say I have a DVD Rip and a Bluray Rip of a movie, I could easily have one film displayed (instead of 2 causing duplicates) but choose which picture quality to watch. This would be very beneficial for situations where you have a system on wifi and its not possible to watch the Bluray simply because the rip of Avatar is over 40Gigs or in my case you archive your dvd's and blurays and it causes library duplicates as a result..

You could make it so when you pressed/selected a film and pressed enter. A context menu would popup and it could simply read: (depending on what features and versions you have in your library)

Extended Edition
Delete Scenes
Other Extras

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Can be Achieved using Movie Sets.

However I would like this feature as well
Please do this.
Registered to +1 this. It would be an excellent feature. Xmbc handles trailers elegantly, and it would be great to see it do the same (or similar) for all the other bits and bobs that can come with the average movie/tv series.
There's a pretty good thread going that has procedures right now to add these extras to your library.

Check it out here!

For the TVshow extras, you can name them with a Season 0 bit, and create an associative .nfo. Then the extras will be accessible through the "Specials" season of the tvshow.
Quick Links: debug log (wiki) | userdata (wiki) | advancedsettings (wiki) | adding videos to the library (wiki)
I suppose this could "easily" be done by using the trailer logic currently in XBMC, IE So we could have, Movie-trailer-xyz,,,, etc. The UI would definitely require some attention.

I feel it should be as seamless as trailers are now. Editing/creating nfos is beyond the ability of a large portion of the XBMC user base.
I just started using xbmc and would like to see this also. Since I'm a developer during my day job I guess I don't have an excuse to wait for someone else to implement it, right? I'm new to the codebase so it's going to take a while to figure out what all needs to be done, but I already have a rough working prototype for movie extras. My idea is to have the filename in this format "movie[extra-Description].xyz" where description is whatever name you want to show up in xbmc. So for deleted scenes you would name the file movie[extra-Deleted Scenes].xyz. The normal movie scanner will know to ignore those files so they don't show up in your normal movie list. If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions feel free to send them my way.
I have this working in my build but I have one UI problem. The way I have it set up is that special features associated with a movie or tv episode are accessible from a button on the video info dialog. That brings up a context menu that lists all of the special features. However, with the confluence skin this context box appears at the bottom of the screen instead of center screen as you would expect. Is there any easy way to center this on the screen, or is there a better option with than the context menu for displaying these items? You can also associate an extra with a tv show season and then it just shows up at the end of the episode list for that season so there are no issues there.
I would like to +1 this also

And brentosmith, this is for TV shows not Movies.
AEON MQ3 - version 1.2.3
Huh Check the thread title.
The UI makes a big difference when you have a lot of extras. I appreciate that functionality should take priority, but it's something to bear in mind. The workaround that I created isn't perfect and takes a lot of legwork, but it's easy to navigate and intuitive to use. I encourage anyone with coding skills to come up with a new integrated solution, I know there a a lot of people who would appreciate it Big Grin
(2012-07-09, 13:31)Deano316 Wrote: The UI makes a big difference when you have a lot of extras. I appreciate that functionality should take priority, but it's something to bear in mind. The workaround that I created isn't perfect and takes a lot of legwork, but it's easy to navigate and intuitive to use. I encourage anyone with coding skills to come up with a new integrated solution, I know there a a lot of people who would appreciate it Big Grin
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Associate extras and/or alternative versions to a movie/TV show title8
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