WIP Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc
First I wanna say thanks for your feedback.
Very strange behavior with black screen. I have never had such on hardware 3d. And I don't see anything strange in the log what can help detect issue. As for crazy screens I think it is a hardware issue.
And yes I haven't ADM/ATI hardware for test it.

Second, can you help me test dxva-hd renderer on Intel platform? It may solve issue with deinterlacing in dxva. To enable dxva-hd add in as.xm following lines:
and launch my lastest build of xbmc.


Do you have installed NVidia 3DTV toolset?

With best regards,

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RE: Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc - by afedchin - 2013-08-14, 16:02
Intel® InTru™ 3D support - by acidizer - 2014-01-26, 12:47
, - by User 102910 - 2014-08-08, 11:11
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Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc11