Associate extras and/or alternative versions to a movie/TV show title

Thanks for your help. I went ahead and bit the bullet anyway, installed Git using this tutorial and updated Aeon Nox to version 4.1.9, which appears to have the DVDExtras already built in to the skin's DialogVideoInfo.xml file. Unfortunately, I still had no luck on getting any Extras to play from a sub-folder if there is a theme.mp3 in the movie folder also (It won't play the media and then it crashes XBMC.)

However, I also decided to throw a Trailer.mkv file into the movie folder, and noticed when I updated my library that the trailer also scraped as a movie, which other users have also reported. I'll have to take a look at my advancedsettings.xml file and see why that is happening. Perhaps it's because I'm on a Mac and the Unix underpinnings are seeing one too many or one too few slashes. Could this problem also be causing the issue with the theme music? I can't see why it would, but I need to solve one problem before tackling another.

In any case, if I ever do get it to work, I'll post back with the solution for others who are having the same problem.

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RE: Associate extras and/or alternative versions to a movie/TV show title - by MacApex - 2013-09-06, 03:13
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Associate extras and/or alternative versions to a movie/TV show title8