Associate extras and/or alternative versions to a movie/TV show title
Hi All, thanks for your support

(2013-09-12, 12:14)nickr Wrote: The GPL is pretty cool on this, perhaps you need to read up on open source development.

Hi nickr, I actually know a reasonable amount about opensource and have contributed to several different projects (outside XBMC) before, but they have always been active projects which I have fed code back to the original author. I thought this was different as I was proposing to start my own independant project, using some of the stuff (and ideas) already in place in the DVDExtras project - And although legally allowed - I didn't want to go against the spirit of XBMC development

(2013-09-12, 12:14)nickr Wrote: DVDExtras was not a good long term name given we now have bluray, web based "extras" and so forth. Otherwise I would suggest naming it DVDExtras-TNG or something tacky like that.

I think I prefer VideoExtras :-) Mainly because it fits with the XBMC naming which seems to include Movies and TV Shows under Videos - so sort of fits. (Where DVDExtras seems to point to the media that the extras were stored onto originally)

(2013-09-12, 12:14)nickr Wrote: Now I just had an idea. What about including the ability to put strm files or links to video websites (youtube etc) in the extras folder? (Sorry this may be possible or thought of already and I missed it).

Possible? - Once I have created a new project you can always create a feature request for it. (Most probably a Google Project)

On a related note I have submitted a patch to TVTunes, which I'm hoping will be merged in (Fingers crossed!) - this will provide Movie themes from TVTunes, so removing the need for the MovieThemes part of DVDExtras.

If you agree with this a show of support on that forum would be good - hopefully we can get it included!

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RE: Associate extras and/or alternative versions to a movie/TV show title - by robwebset - 2013-09-12, 17:15
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Associate extras and/or alternative versions to a movie/TV show title8