Win HOW-TO setup Boblight for Windows and Boblight XBMC
I'm not great at the technical aspect and I had a couple questions about the config creator.

What does the Vertical Depth %, Horizontal Depth% and all of those variables refer to?
What does Edge fix do?
What does the radio button in the Lights section at the top assist with?
And what does border Top/Bottom Left/Right refer to?
If I want to have 23 LEDs spaced evenly along the bottom of my TV, should I start from the middle and how should I fill in the bottom three LED numbers?

Any guidance on how to use this tool to make my system better would be greatly appreciated.

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RE: HOW-TO setup Boblight for Windows and Boblight XBMC - by cgebke - 2013-09-16, 00:01
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HOW-TO setup Boblight for Windows and Boblight XBMC6