Associate extras and/or alternative versions to a movie/TV show title
I've been keeping an eye on this one too, as the fix i mentioned in #220 works fine for me, but sub-directories are not being read correctly and I have not had the time to learn enough Python to analyse the code; as I would very much like to.

I realised from the activity on the other thread and the updates appearing in the repo, that Rob's current focus is the TVTunes add-on.
I am prepared to wait on this one, help if I can, and am keeping an ear to the ground.

I'm currently getting my head around building a home server using Xen virtuallisation and PCI passthrough for a MythTV Backend domain, amongst other appilcations (which i won't bore you with here), so that and several other things (including work and home improvements) are keeping me pretty busy, too.

I won't be far, if I'm needed, though. Wink

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RE: Associate extras and/or alternative versions to a movie/TV show title - by Rich.T. - 2013-10-03, 17:53
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Associate extras and/or alternative versions to a movie/TV show title8