From Subtitles add-on to subtitles service. The no-trouble How-to.
If I am ungratefull for whining about something that worked, and now it doesnt, you dont take criticism very well do you?
Of course I will whine if something that worked before doesnt work in new and improved version, be it just myself or a bunch of other people.
If I knew how to code I would try and fix it before the beta got out, and you whining and quitting about mine and others point of view makes you ungratefull and unproffesional.
You have a product free or not, doesnt matter, I am user, I am not satisfied, fix it or not, whatever, but dont act like a baby.

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Re: From Subtitles add-on to subtitles service. The no-trouble How-to. - by akiaki - 2014-03-16, 09:45
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From Subtitles add-on to subtitles service. The no-trouble How-to.1