Win HOW-TO setup Boblight for Windows and Boblight XBMC

Thanks to bossanova for the application!

I thought I would try to contribute with some things that worked for me. I also came to the same saturation/value settings described earlier of 1.2/1.0.

I have 3 bravekits (lightpack clones) that each have 6 leds on each of the 10 strips this is all set around a frame for a 96" screen I have for my Panasonic projector. Because of the multiple lightpacks I was having occasional scenarios where 1 or 2 of the lightpacks would stop functioning and the only way to correct it would be to go out of xbmc and kill boblightd and restart it. This was cumbersome as I had to window out of full screen mode and then back in while a show was playing (very low WAF).

I have always been a user of autohotkey to automate simple scripts and I decided to use the same in this scenario.

I have a Thermaltake DH 202 (great pc case btw) that has the IMON controller setup which works great with xbmc. The imon allows hotkeys to be programmed as function keys on the remote.

This allowed me to use the following autohotkey script so that while a movie or show is running I can push a button on my remote and kill boblightd and then another button to restart it. Not interrupting the viewer experience or stopping the show.

Here is the script and I hope this helps:

^+c:Tonguerocess, Close, boblightd.exe

detectHiddenWindows, on

^+b::Run C:\boblightd\boblightd.exe -c C:\boblightd\boblight.conf, , hide

As a side note it is good to point out that I used ctrl shift for my two commands that is the ^+ I set close to ^+c and open boblightd to ^+b.

Let me know if this was useful or if there was some much easier way of doing this.

Messages In This Thread
RE: HOW-TO setup Boblight for Windows and Boblight XBMC - by jjhtpc - 2014-04-18, 20:26
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HOW-TO setup Boblight for Windows and Boblight XBMC6