[RELEASE] Rapier 7.9.0 for Kodi 14.x Helix [DEPRECATED]
Got Helix and the new Rapier installed and am starting to add all the media back.

After reading your message about the movie sets, I was thinking maybe it wasn't working because I was using custom set names made in Ember with nfo files. I wasn't really liking all the "collections" and "series" after everything, so I was using Ember to make custom names. I also have a lot of OLD movie series and wasn't sure if they would be there. I had also turned off the get movie set name option in the Universal Movie Scraper.

So, I turned on the UMS set names and told Ember to use TMDB for set info when installing Helix. I saw new sets that the scraper had made, but the view still only shows posters. I tried putting the script in the main addons folder and the userdata/addons folder. I tried taking the "-master" off of the end of the script name in both locations. It just always shows posters.

Maybe using Ember and nfo files for movies is messing it up with different file names? Was just trying to think of what would be different about my setup from yours. (I can't figure out Phil's script for extra actor info either. I click on an actor and I only get a local library search. No biography screen like I saw in his thread. So I'm clearly doing something wrong with all this.)

Just curious here since I can't figure out Phil's scripts... Would it take much for me to create a little window in the top set screen to show a text field from an nfo file? Ember now saves nfo files for movie sets. Was thinking maybe I could just modify that screen to just show a few lines of text if it isn't too hard.

Really though, it isn't a big deal if I can't get the scripts working. I'm starting to feel bad you're spending so much time trying to fix this for me. It would be nice for a little background info on each series to go along with the poster, but just the poster if good enough for me.

Here is what I'm seeing. (The ones with Series or Collection at the end were newly made by the scraper.)

watch gallery

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RE: [RELEASE] Rapier 7.0.0 for Kodi 14.x Helix - by Thales - 2014-12-22, 00:53
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[RELEASE] Rapier 7.9.0 for Kodi 14.x Helix [DEPRECATED]2