[RELEASE] Rapier 7.9.0 for Kodi 14.x Helix [DEPRECATED]
Hi blondeshanks.

Thanks a bunch for the nice words - that's really nice to hear Smile

(2015-01-01, 19:46)blondeshanks Wrote: In your recent update, which I very much like - you've improved the movie sets but the only way I seem to be able to get to them is via movies - top menu bar - library and choosing sets from there... could you possibly add a default shortcut on the home menu of movies?

You are correct that this is the only way without customizing anything in Rapier.

But the skin is highly customizable. So you can either go to the skin settings -> home -> category submenu -> and add movie sets from a preset as a submenu to any category. Or you can create movie sets as a custom category with your own submenus (or without), widgets etc. For this, I have just added category images (which will be included from the next update) here.

(2015-01-01, 19:46)blondeshanks Wrote: Also, when in sets, I choose a set and change the default view to one I like but this view doesn't carry over to the other sets? Is there a way you can make it change the view I choose in one set, default to all my sets?

When you are in the main movie sets window, the view you choose will be the one selected when you enter specific sets. If you wish to change view for the individual sets when they are entered, you will have to do it individually.

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RE: [RELEASE] Rapier 7.1.0 for Kodi 14.x Helix - by Gade - 2015-01-01, 22:23
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[RELEASE] Rapier 7.9.0 for Kodi 14.x Helix [DEPRECATED]2