[RELEASE] Rapier 7.9.0 for Kodi 14.x Helix [DEPRECATED]
Hi, quick bug report: after hitting the "update library" button, it switches to "stop scanning", but the button does not return to "update library" after the update is complete. The button is still usable though.

I'm using Rapier 7.2.0 on kodibuntu helix, and I have the top bar set to auto hide.

PS: Great to be using Rapier again, I've never found a view as good as List Info 2 : )

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RE: [RELEASE] Rapier 7.2.0 for Kodi 14.x Helix - by rickles - 2015-01-25, 14:53
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[RELEASE] Rapier 7.9.0 for Kodi 14.x Helix [DEPRECATED]2