Discussion - rules for this subforum
There are already rules in place regarding general conduct and tone - http://kodi.wiki/view/Official:Forum_rules
If you believe a post contravenes those rules then report it and the moderators will decide what action to take.

It must be remembered that developers are merely sharing their work, they are not creating a "product" and the work they have shared should not be viewed as such. It is not sold and does not require a donation to use. Donations are there merely as a token of thanks - its the equivalent of saying "hey let me buy you a beer/coffee because I appreciate what you're doing."

There are no consumers/customers in open source... there are simply people who contribute more and people who contribute less. There is no shame in contributing less, it is just important to remember that those who contribute more do not owe you anything. Sometimes it is a difficult concept to understand when we are so used to capitalism.

The rules I am proposing are not about censoring people, they are merely some guidelines to keep discussion focused on development. If you have trouble understanding wip just think of it as meaning incomplete. At the end of the day this is a development forum, as with all development some ideas make it to the end and some get abandoned and some simply never get completed due to other priorities or get put on hold. If you cant deal with this concept then you are in the wrong forum.
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RE: Discussion - rules for this subforum - by jurialmunkey - 2015-03-18, 11:42
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