How can we fix the image size problem with addons?
(2015-05-20, 04:05)jurialmunkey Wrote: The views in confluence tend to be more accommodating as a lot use keep aspect for image, but in other skins (like ftv) this is not possible due to design constraints.

Generally skins will use container content to decide what views to use. Info shown is generally done on the basis of info labels available. There will be some differences on info shown based on content type however - for instance, might show episode number and air date for episode as opposed to number of unwatched episodes for a tv show or year and director for a movie (ie generally skins try to show info that is relevant to content type).

From a skinning perspective the only thing that is generally problematic is if you can't supply posters for movie content types
I read this too quickly the first time around and didn't understand what you're saying about "views" - I took it to be meta-data fields, but I now understand it to mean "user selectable view layouts", kinda obvious but it was beyond me until I went to implement it. Getting this whole thing right has meant more than just setting "content type" for the type of image I have available for me. I have to get the right "content type", the right "info fields" filled in and I had to implement the ability for the user to "override" a "view type" for a given "content type" so that they're not pissed off with what they see. I apologize to you and Bromix for being so thick on this issue. Bromix's recommendations were spot on because he'd already implemented all the other stuff around it.

I'd appreciate if some skinners could take a look at either of these 2 addons for correctness - not completeness because there isn't as much metadata as would be nice to have: I have tested with Confluence, Artic Zephyr and Transparency which all look ok to me.
DIY addon :
I think this works on most platforms most everywhere

Syfy addon:
This addon requires ssl support in ffmpeg - most kodi builds above 15.0 have it. Earlier windows version do as well. It also needs a US DNS or VPN proxy outside the US. Video is in 1080 and needs a pretty steady 5-6 Mbps internet connection.

I will implement the same framework in most of my addons in the repo if this proves to done correctly. Thanks!

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RE: How can we fix the image size problem with addons? - by learningit - 2015-05-29, 04:09
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