Win KODI4SMARTIE - Kodi DLL for LCD Smartie
I checked the cpprest120_2_5.dll MD5 hash against the one in the package and the one that I am using and they are the same I think you were running into the intermittent problem you described above. I will see if I can reproduce your issue. It seems to work every time for me. Did you change anything in your config file over the defaults.

I will see if I find the correct string to retrieve the artists name.I think Player.GetItem,artist should work but I will have to check it when I get home tonight. If it doesnt work then it might be a bug. I will let you know

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RE: KODI4SMARTIE - Kodi DLL for LCD Smartie - by Jakester34 - 2015-06-19, 13:50
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