WIP Windows DirectX 11 upgrade test thread

I recently updated to Windows 10 and was using the latest DX 11 version from the first post and have come across an interesting issue. I have noticed it on Jarvis nightlies as well so I do not know if it is directly related to DX 11 cause I am not certain if that has been added to master yet... The problem is some animations do not work correctly but reinstalling Isengard 15.1 nightly resolves the issue. I have looked through the log and it does not mention anything. The animation currently looks like this:

<animation type="conditional" reversible="false" condition="[!IsEmpty(Control.GetLabel(4445)) + Control.IsVisible(4445)]">
    <effect type="rotatey" center="278" end="-90" time="1040" tween="cubic" easing="in"/>
    <effect type="rotatey" center="278" start="-90" end="-90" time="0" delay="1040"/>
    <effect type="fade" start="0" end="100" time="0" delay="1000"/>
    <effect type="rotatey" center="278" start="90" end="48" time="440" delay="1040" tween="cubic"/>

I think it has to do with the fade animation since it appears to fade out but not back in. I am uncertain how to get it to work correctly with the DX 11 or Jarvis builds or why it currently works in non DX 11 Isengard Huh


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New build 14/02/2015 - by afedchin - 2015-02-14, 15:16
RE: Windows DirectX 11 upgrade test thread - by mikeSiLVO - 2015-08-06, 08:35
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Windows DirectX 11 upgrade test thread6