My Hometheater aka. Living room
I saw the review of that sub on av forums, it's a serious bit of kit.

How much difference did it make going from the smaller speakers to the floor standers. Prefer the understated look of the smaller speakers I think, but I think you get used to stuff quite easily and want the next upgrade. Front heights are neat, I imagine they add quite a lot to the set up. Any Atmos/DTSX plans?

Messages In This Thread
My Hometheater aka. Living room - by gamble - 2013-12-30, 19:53
RE: My Hometheater aka. Living room - by zag - 2014-02-03, 13:45
RE: My Hometheater aka. Living room - by Harkon321 - 2015-09-01, 09:26
RE: My Hometheater aka. Living room - by bs0d - 2015-09-01, 22:11
RE: My Hometheater aka. Living room - by zag - 2015-09-21, 16:12
RE: My Hometheater aka. Living room - by zag - 2015-11-01, 09:50
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