Req PVR - Reminders?
Yeah, appreciate it's been some time... My work commitments are kind of ruling my life at the moment and I have limited time to complete this.... Hopefully in the next week or so I will be in a position to share, i can’t promise anything, although I can promise that eventually I will release something!

This is where i am:

* The add-on is actioned when the user clicks on "remind me" from the context menu (a programme in the future must be highlighted in the EPG.)

* A cron job is activated and checks to makes sure every minute whether there’s a reminder to show.

* The addon validates to make sure the Programme is not in the past.

* I’ve added some settings so users can configure the advancement of a reminder e.g. remind me 5 minutes before the programme starts, configurable 0 - 60 minutes.

* The addon reads the EPG info e.g. time, programme names and stores that in an XML file – will need to look into another way of storing this data, possibly a SQL lite DB.

* Once the reminded programme start time - Advancement time = NOW a Kodi dialogue is fired with a simple "A programme you asked to be reminded, is about to start" message

* Multiple reminders can be set, however, only the last reminder that was set is saved to XML - at the moment I’m keeping this as simple as possible.

* If Kodi shuts down, only the last set reminder is stored, any previous reminders will be forgotten. If the system it continually on then all set reminders will still work.

* Reminders can only be set for "today" anything after midnight is seen as in the past e.g. 00:01 is seen as this morning and not tomorrow morning. This is because i haven’t added any date functionality yet - again trying to keep it as simple as possible, dealing with different formats of dates feels like its going to be problematic!

I’ve tested this for a week or so and noticed some minor bugs, which I think I fixed last night, once I’m happy it’s stable I will release it for testing.
I will then continue to develop and expand more features, just bare with me!

Messages In This Thread
PVR - Reminders? - by tungmeister - 2013-06-21, 19:42
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by Swifty - 2013-06-24, 01:19
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by nickr - 2013-06-24, 10:34
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by Ned Scott - 2013-06-24, 11:02
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by tungmeister - 2013-06-24, 12:19
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by macardi - 2013-06-24, 16:16
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by anarchybomb88 - 2013-07-22, 03:20
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by MartijnGP - 2013-10-01, 11:30
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by schumi2004 - 2013-10-13, 13:10
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by AshG - 2015-02-01, 11:52
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by nickr - 2015-02-02, 09:25
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by AshG - 2015-02-02, 16:10
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by stuCONNERS - 2015-02-03, 01:59
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by schumi2004 - 2015-02-01, 12:01
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by stuCONNERS - 2015-02-02, 04:16
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by emveepee - 2015-02-02, 04:22
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by enen92 - 2015-02-02, 16:45
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by AshG - 2015-02-03, 15:25
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by nickr - 2015-02-04, 01:23
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by nickr - 2015-02-03, 07:27
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by schumi2004 - 2015-02-03, 15:47
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by shaneypoopers - 2015-05-30, 14:41
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by SheHateMe - 2015-06-01, 05:14
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by kaiseruk - 2015-06-28, 21:45
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by levi.baker88 - 2015-06-29, 12:49
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by Atreyu - 2015-10-09, 00:18
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by Big Aero - 2015-10-09, 21:24
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by AshG - 2015-10-24, 01:33
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by Atreyu - 2015-10-24, 10:33
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by schumi2004 - 2015-10-24, 13:58
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by Dumyat - 2015-10-24, 17:00
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by kaiseruk - 2015-11-07, 11:44
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by kaiseruk - 2015-11-30, 00:49
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by AshG - 2015-11-30, 18:58
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by nickr - 2015-11-30, 23:21
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by AshG - 2015-12-01, 00:08
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by Solo0815 - 2015-12-01, 08:30
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by Atreyu - 2015-12-02, 14:13
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by AshG - 2015-12-02, 14:15
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by Atreyu - 2015-12-02, 14:22
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by AshG - 2015-12-13, 20:31
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by Atreyu - 2015-12-14, 09:30
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by JesusOnEez - 2015-12-14, 18:14
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by Atreyu - 2015-12-14, 23:37
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by moontan77 - 2016-08-12, 14:50
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by taiebot - 2016-08-19, 20:06
PVR - Reminders? - by ksooo - 2016-08-20, 10:12
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by tungmeister - 2016-09-14, 17:00
PVR - Reminders? - by ksooo - 2016-09-14, 17:01
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by fvisagie - 2019-03-29, 21:47
PVR - Reminders? - by ksooo - 2019-03-29, 21:52
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by Dumyat - 2019-03-30, 12:51
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by fvisagie - 2019-03-29, 22:04
PVR - Reminders? - by ksooo - 2019-03-29, 22:41
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by Atreyu - 2019-03-29, 22:51
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by fvisagie - 2019-03-30, 10:57
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by Dumyat - 2019-03-30, 12:56
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by fvisagie - 2019-03-30, 14:36
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by Atreyu - 2019-03-30, 16:12
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by emveepee - 2019-04-04, 18:07
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by Marty56 - 2019-05-29, 06:40
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by ksooo - 2019-06-01, 07:33
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by kkoa - 2019-06-12, 00:53
RE: PVR - Reminders? - by HeresJohnny - 2023-07-31, 17:13
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